Criminal court case lookup ontario. Offence Based Statistics Youth .

Criminal court case lookup ontario For information about a past court date or a future court date, users should contact the courthouse where the matter is being heard (See a List of Ontario Court Addresses). Cochrane Provincial Crown: 705-335-6184; VirtualCrownKapuskasing@ontario. The DCL allows the public to view and search the Ontario court case dockets online. Documents for criminal proceedings may be served by email pursuant to rule 3. The public may be able to see part of the court case file but would not be able to see this record. Information available on the Public Portal, including document access, is limited to what the California Rules of Court Information about criminal cases in the Ontario Court of Justice. Last Name: First Name: Search by Initials and Date of Birth. Case Search. Family Court Overview Information about family law cases at the Ontario Court of Justice. Court Locations; Media. ca or 519-578-0869 or call 1-800-668-8258 (central Legal Aid Ontario number) Provincial Crown: CLD. The court has the power to try any indictable offence under the Criminal Code of Canada; however, the Superior Court generally only tries the most serious criminal offences. Where a case includes more than one charge, the data for those cases will be reflected in the offence group for the more serious charge. This website provides access to court judgments, tribunal decisions, statutes and Court case records for these cases are not available to the public. OCJ. If your problem relates to a Pennsylvania court case, please provide its unique alpha-numeric docket number. Acceptance of Agreement By using this website to look up information related to your POA case (the "Site"), you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement with respect to the Overview. Forms. ca or by phone at 905-454 For details about virtual criminal case management court appearances, see Criminal Case Management Appearances. 00) for each party at the time of civil filings where private process service is utilized for any summons or alias summons. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out various forms New search Hours For Guelph Duty Counsel office: dc. 1 Serving by Email. These Criminal Rules of the Ontario Court of Justice, Rule 2. The Public Portal allows access to Riverside Superior Court case information for probate, family law, civil, and after 1/21/25, criminal and traffic cases, including the index, register of actions and calendar information. Information is available for all criminal courts in New York City and Nassau and Suffolk Counties, some County Courts, and many City Courts. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out various forms New search Hours For Court Records in Ontario County (New York) Find court records and legal documents in Ontario County, NY. If you are a party to a Criminal case being heard in the Supreme, District or Magistrates Courts in Queensland, the Criminal Case lookup will allow you to find information about your upcoming court events. 1 Ontario Court of Justice and Superior Court of Justice. Status of Provincial Offences Act case. Accessibility. Secure Remote Access to Land Records Online secure remote access to circuit court land records (as defined in Virginia Code §17. West. 1. Kitchener Duty Counsel office dcc. Going to Criminal Court Information about the criminal court process search, mark-up, share and present court documents virtually. Court of Queen's Bench and Court of Common Pleas, Ontario. Learn how to find case information online about criminal and civil court cases in the Superior Court of Justice. Local Duty Counsel:705-497-1184. The court provides many online resources to meet your needs. If your received a provincial offences ticket you should contact the court shown on the ticket. City. ca or 905-456-4777. ; Access exhibits in criminal cases In what reporters and researchers are calling an “information miracle,” Ontario has finally made it possible to look up civil and some criminal cases online — a task that could previously Criminal Injuries Compensation Board: 2017 - 2021 2021-05-10 636: Ontario Court of the Drainage Referee: 2009 - 2025-02-20 295: ONCRB: Ontario Custody Review Board: Court of Appeal for Ontario (Weekly Case List) Bills: Bills; Back to top. For criminal matters in the Ontario Court of Justice, the docket number will also be displayed under the Docket Line column. Trellis. Other records. 10 Armoury Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Note : Jusqu’à nouvel ordre, les comparutions devant le tribunal de gestion des causes auront uniquement lieu à Information about criminal cases in the Ontario Court of Justice. ca or The NYC Criminal Court handles misdemeanors (crimes punishable by fine or imprisonment of up to one year) & lesser offenses. Search Form. Contacts Case Search? Help. Dallas County, Texas Courts Portal For questions related to County Courts Case Information, please contact CC-Inquiry@dallascounty. Civil Court Cases; Criminal Court Cases; Family Court Cases; Probate Court Cases; Court Calendar. ca The Public Case History is a tool that allows you to look up the status of cases in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals and Court of Criminal Appeals through the case management system of the Appellate Court Clerk’s Office known as C-Track. Our new online services provides a convenient and centralized way to search the indexes of land records and court filings within the Ontario County Clerk’s Office. Going to Criminal Court Information about the criminal court process. There may be a fee for inspecting a court file. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out various forms New search Hours For This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. Use this directory for court case lookups, retrieving records, e-filing, and legal forms. The Court also conducts arraignments and preliminary hearings for felonies (crimes punishable by imprisonment of more than one year). Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out various 1828-1881 Court records, 1828-1881. UNOFFICIAL COURT CASE RECORDS. NYCOURTS. guelph@lao. Depending on the court location, there are several . SEARCH NYCourts. Notice to Counsel – Virtual Counsel Sign-up Sheets: To facilitate the orderly calling of counsel matters, the Criminal Lawyers Association and the Crown’s office have developed a virtual counsel sheet. 1-292) such as deeds, marriage licenses, judgments, and wills for Information about criminal cases in the Ontario Court of Justice. Find My Case. Check the status of traffic tickets and fines online or request a meeting to resolve your case Information about criminal cases in the Ontario Court of Justice. Additional information on older cases may be found on microfilm. Search for FREE Records Now! Note: Due to federal or state law or policy, the Oregon Judicial Department does not provide court records or court calendar information for certain cases through this Homicide Cold Cases Meet Your Police Dogs Criminal Ontario Court Of Justice 1; Criminal - Ontario Court of Justice. Going to Criminal Court Information about family law cases at the Ontario Court of Justice. Court Schedule List . Learn how to search and view Superior Court of Justice civil and criminal court case information and Ontario Court of Justice adult criminal court case information online. The information available on Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) is provided as a service and is not the official court case record. The Portal also provides a convenient way to pay court fines online from anywhere on any compatible device. For a copy of a document you may request by mail by sending a self addressed stamped envelope and 65 cents per page, with a minimum charge of $1. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out various forms New search Hours For Zoom video court join links for first appearances and set date criminal case management adjournments in the Ontario Court of Justice (OCJ) If you have a criminal first court appearance date, or a subsequent criminal adjournment set date, please see For details about virtual criminal case management court appearances, see Criminal Case Management Appearances. ca or 519-741-3222 Public Prosecution Service of Canada: PPSCKitchenerSPPC@ppsc-sppc. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out various forms New search Hours For Information about criminal cases in the Ontario Court of Justice. Your criminal case begins when the police give you a summons notifying you that you have been charged with a criminal offence and must attend court on a particular date, or when you are arrested and either released by police (on an appearance notice or an undertaking) or held in jail until you are brought into court for a bail hearing. Criminal History Record Search (CHRS) Criminal records are available from the court system. Offence types are based on the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics categories for offence types. The Superior Court of Justice is a superior court of criminal jurisdiction. How-to guides and links provided. ca or 416-646-1286 (duty counsel may be able to provide you with legal advice and assistance for your court appearance). For example, virtual criminal case management courts in the Ontario Court of Justice allow people who have been criminally charged to appear using Zoom audioconference and videoconference functions. to 7:00 p. For details about virtual criminal case management court appearances, see Criminal Case Management Appearances. Criminal offenses fall into one of three categories: Infractions, Misdemeanors, or Felonies. To facilitate the orderly calling of counsel matters, the Criminal Lawyers Association and the Crown’s office have developed a virtual counsel sheet. Cases may be searched by locality using name, case number, or hearing date. You can search and view Superior Court of Justice civil and criminal court case information and Ontario Court of Justice adult criminal court case information at Search for Legislation and Forms Other Resources. Search Ontario County civil, matrimonial, and criminal case records online. Court Records You can make a request for court records directly to the Clerk of the Court or the County Clerk that has the records. CanLII's goal is to make Canadian law accessible for free on the Internet. You can also contact the court listed on the ticket or summons that you received. Information about criminal cases in the Ontario Court of Justice. 7th JD Home; ONTARIO COUNTY: Accessibility (ADA) Ontario County Family Court 27 North Main Street Canandaigua, NY 14424 Phone: 585-412-5299 Fax: 585-412-5327 Directions | Security | Website This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. gov. Daily Court Lists; Search for Ontario Court of Justice adult criminal cases online; Court Locations. 2 Filing by Email. – 5:00 p. Criminal Court Records Search. If you are searching for appellate court cases, you must choose the ‘Appellate’ or ‘Docket Number’ option. Access court Information about criminal cases in the Ontario Court of Justice. 00. Provincial Crown: virtualcrownbrampton@ontario. All court records are handled with extreme care and confidentiality during the conversion process and the Court believes and is confident all records, and information contained therein Find public court case information, written opinions, attorney discipline matters, and more. About Criminal Proceedings. ca Cochrane Courthouse: 705 272-4256 Cochranecourthouse@ontario. There is no charge to access criminal court documents or search criminal court files in the Ontario Court of Justice and Superior Court of Justice. New search Hours For courthouse office and service hours, please visit the Ministry of Attorney General court locations website. You may find it here: Search for court cases online. 1. ABOUT What is CanLII. Criminal Court Case Information. Unless otherwise directed by a judicial officer, documents in criminal proceedings may be filed in person or electronically. Case Type. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out various forms New search Hours For Pay any applicable access fees if the record is publicly accessible. Criminal Records Find out where criminal records are kept. New York State Unified Court System. This new online service makes it easier for members of the public to find information about Provincial Offences Act Part I and III matters, such as how much they owe and how to pay, as well as where and when a trial The Wisconsin Court System protects individuals' rights, privileges and liberties, maintains the rule of law, and provides a forum for the resolution of disputes that is fair, accessible, independent and effective. While most jurisdictions (Peel, York, Durham, Halton The Public Portal is a web-based platform that offers court users and members of the general public customized role-based access to court records, hearing calendars and other data. Ontario County Criminal Court Case Lookup. Case Number. ) You can search and view Superior Court of Justice civil and criminal court case information and Ontario Court of Justice adult criminal court case information at Search for court cases online | ontario. Ontario. Case Center. By using the provincial court case search tool to look up the accused’s name. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out various forms New search Hours For Legal Aid Ontario: 1-800-668-8258. To track the current status of a criminal case in New York City; Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess, Orange, Rockland, and Erie counties; and Buffalo City Court, go to WebCrims. Civil Search Request Form (CTS 3859) Access Request Form: Extracts of Key Evidence or Case File ; Archived Court Records. You can find out about the status of your Provincial Offences Act matter, excluding parking tickets on the Ministry of the Attorney General's website. Digital Audio Recordings are recordings of “on the record” court proceedings at the Ontario Court of Justice. Appling State: Coweta Superior: Irwin Superior: Richmond Superior: Appling Superior: Crawford Superior: Jackson State: Rockdale State: Atkinson Superior: Crisp Superior: Expansion of the 12-Week Adjournment from First Appearance in Criminal Case Management Court for Counsel Matters on June 3, 2024. Subscribe to receive important updates and news from Florida Courts. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out various forms New search Hours For Search criminal court calendars by court location, date, and court part or judge's last name. To track the current status of a Civil Supreme Court case, go to WebCivil Supreme or for Local Civil Court cases go to WebCivil Local. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out various forms New search Hours For Criminal/Traffic Court Case Information. 7 4: Designation of Counsel: Word: 5: Sample Enhanced Designation of Counsel: Word: Practice Direction: Enhanced Information about criminal cases in the Ontario Court of Justice. Civil Search Request (Provincial Court) Criminal/Traffic Search Request (Provincial Court and Court of King’s Bench) Court of Appeal. Requesters can seek Ontario County criminal court cases that have gone to trial using different methods. In addition to providing information about the status and procedural history of an appeal, you will be The City of Toronto (the "City") maintains this online POA case status lookup service on behalf of the Ontario Court of Justice, Toronto Court Services. Note: Until further notice, appearances in the Case Management Court will be conducted only by remote appearance The criminal courts hear cases where the State has filed charges against one or more persons alleged to have committed criminal offenses. Each day the Ontario Court of Justice judges and justices deliver deliver independent Legal Aid Ontario: 1-800-668-8258. In other court cases, there are certain records in the case file that are not available to the public. org. Effective January 1, 2025, Public Act 103-671 and Senate Bill 0688 requires the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County to collect and remit to the Cook County Sheriff’s Office five dollars ($5. Mission, Vision & Core Values. 7th JD Ontario County. on. Please enter a case number. An example of these is a fee waiver application. Most of the records displayed in this site are traffic offences or criminal code offences. To review information regarding a public case, please select one of the case categories below. Last Name Initial: First Name Initial: 7. The daily court lists include the case name, time, room number and reason for the court appearance. The Criminal Courts of the City of New York are located in all five boroughs. Contact your local courthouse to find out when and where justices of the peace are available. For cases that utilize the Sheriff’s Office for service of process, the Most cases created before 1999 are maintained in paper format only. 2: 3: Form 3: Consent: Word: Criminal Rules of the Ontario Court of Justice, Rule 2. At least one filter in addition to date is required to perform this search. Search for attorneys using either name or bar number with this application. Several County Criminal Courts at Law and District courts have reported intermittently slow system performance for Harris County District Clerk web site users. Legal Aid Duty Counsel: please call 1-800-668-8258. Copies and photographs of documents, subject to a copy fee per page. Law and Original Order: Discovering Alberta's Court Records Information about criminal cases in the Ontario Court of Justice. Civil Court Records Search. Media Overview. Further details about criminal case management court appearances are contained in the Court’s Criminal Case Management Appearances Practice Directive. Subscribe Now CAMS (Court of Appeal Management System) is a case management, document management and electronic filing system designed to better serve the Traffic/Criminal: search by participant name, file number or agency. Cochrane Duty Counsel office: 705-495-1450. Each records search costs $95. For online County Criminal record lookup, they should visit the New York Judiciary's State Courts Electronic Filing System (NYSCEF). Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out various forms New search Hours For Dallas County Felony and Misdemeanor Court Documents Dallas County Felony and Court Documents Criminal Background Search Current Criminal Records. General Stream Adjudications. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out various forms New search Hours For Search for detailed case (cause) information such as court costs, documents, case details, parties, and the location of a case (cause) file within our office by Party type. Phone Access to Court Records Information about criminal cases in the Ontario Court of Justice. This includes all criminal offences, indictable offences, summary offences, traffic offences, applications for special hardship orders and applications (The List of Ontario Court Addresses includes contact information for each courthouse`s accessibility site coordinator. gc. ca or 519-826-4431 Criminal Case Lookup. As of August 2010, there is no charge to access criminal court records and documents from the Ontario Court of Justice, the Family Court branch of the Superior Court of Justice and non-appeal family cases heard by the Superior Court of Justice. You will be able to search for the court case title, Ontario Court of Justice Information number, court location, next hearing type and date, if Information about criminal cases in the Ontario Court of Justice. ca Cochrane Public Prosecution Service of Canada (Agent): 705-264-9591; PPSC. By using the Daily Court Lists (DCL) service to look up the names of those appearing in court on the day of or the following day. Acceptance of Agreement By using this website to look up information related to your POA case (the "Site"), you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement with respect to the The Criminal Rules of the Ontario Court of Justice set out procedural rules that apply to criminal proceedings Family. Site Map. Learn what court documents are available to the public and media and how to In what reporters and researchers are calling an “information miracle,” Ontario has finally made it possible to look up civil and some criminal cases online — a task that could previously This section contains information on how to find an active court case (Daily court lists and a Court case search tool), as well as contact information for courthouses, including locations, email If you are unable to find an email address or don’t hear back, call the court and ask how to obtain a copy. To access the counsel sheet for the Milton virtual case management court, go to CanLII is a non-profit organization managed by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada. Court Holiday Schedule. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out various Online access to civil and criminal cases in select circuit courts. The most common ways members of the public can find out the names of those facing criminal charges in Ontario are: They are released to the public by the police themselves. Find a Court Case. Estates A one-stop search engine to review court cases, past and present, from traffic tickets to felony crimes, divorces to civil torts, by name, case or citation number; look up current inmates, view mug shots, check bond amounts, time served, or link back to the inmates' criminal cases; and, check active warrants and link back to any cases tied to Learn what court documents are available to the public and media and how to access them. 30 per Information about criminal cases in the Ontario Court of Justice. Location. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out various forms New search Hours For Surrogate Court Records - 1789 - 1926 (Books) A Listing of 19th Century Court Records. ca or 519-826-4431 ext 228 or call 1-800-668-8258 (central Legal Aid Ontario number) Provincial Crown: guelphcrownattorney@ontario. Supreme Court and High Court of Justice; 1882-1886 The Ontario Reports, Containing Reports of Cases Decided in the High Court of Justice for Ontario, index ($) The Records [edit | edit source] Home » Living » Provincial Offences Court » Case status look-up. Search by courthouse location. The 12-Week Adjournment from First Appearance in Criminal Case Management Court for Counsel Matters will be expanding to various locations in the Central East, Central West, East, Toronto and West Regions as of June 3, 2024. Juvenile cases, Traffic/Minor Offense cases, and cases from before 1974 are not included in the Court Index. Going to Criminal Court New search Hours For For details about virtual criminal case management court appearances, see Criminal Case Management Appearances. Only those cases with pending future appearances dates are included. This Policy applies to all proceedings in the Ontario Court of Justice. 1881-1937 Court records, 1881-1937. Search by Last Name/First Name. Criminal Access case records for Ontario County Supreme Courts - access online court records for Criminal case records, get updates, download documents and more. GOV. ca Courts Newsletter. Index to Additional Court Records. The Superior Court of California, County of San Bernardino, ("Court") is implementing a new case management system. Case status look-up. Ontario County, New York | 20 Ontario Street | Canandaigua, NY 14424 | Phone: 585-396-4451 | Contact. Total Cases: Accused/Litigant Time Room Location Case Number Appearance For details about virtual criminal case management court appearances, see Criminal Case Management Appearances. Search . A link to a mobile version is provided. You’ll be redirected to the provider’s website and must have an account to search court records. Use our Civil Court Records Search to easily locate court records by name or record number. To ensure Criminal Case Access remains available to all court users throughout the business day, the Court is implementing reCAPTCHA verification to Criminal Case Access from 7:00 a. This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. Surname. ca or 705-223-1067 The City of Toronto (the "City") maintains this online POA case status lookup service on behalf of the Ontario Court of Justice, Toronto Court Services. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out various forms New search Hours For Offence Type: Reflects the most serious charge on the case. There is a fee to obtain a copy of a criminal court document. Law simplifying state trial courts. kitchener@lao. ; Digital Audio Recordings of “on the record” court proceedings at the Ontario Court of Justice. Offence Based Statistics Youth The Ministry of the Attorney General has developed a tool to find case information online for adult criminal cases at the Ontario Court of Justice. 416-212-2701. View information from the Ulster County Clerk's Office on how Not available for all courts. This is a free service to view the court dockets that does not require registration. This resource provides telephone numbers, addresses and other information about all Ontario Court registry offices. May 27, 2024 . Timmins@rglaw. All Magisterial District Court docket numbers begin with ‘MJ’ and follow a similar format The Criminal Rules of the Ontario Court of Justice set out procedural rules that apply to criminal proceedings Family. Media Access. Access criminal records, probate records, child support warrants, and jury duty info. In Ontario, criminal cases are assigned to the courthouse by jurisdiction. com or 519-240-2348 Guelph courthouse: Guelph. They are discovered through Ontario’s online daily court lists public docket system. Contacts Information about criminal cases in the Ontario Court of Justice. 1 Fees to access criminal court documents 7. a city police Search Court Schedule. – You are responsible for checking the accuracy of any data you get from this site against official court records, and – You will not Each criminal and motor vehicle charge which resulted in a conviction within the past 10 years is shown, including convictions resulting from unvacated forfeitures of bail or collateral deposited to secure a person's appearance in court in motor vehicle cases; unvacated forfeitures of bail or collateral deposited to secure a person's appearance Users must read and accept the following Terms and Conditions before using the MCRO application to access Minnesota district court records: 1. Contact the court where the case was filed for more information. 1: 2: Form 2: Response : Word: Criminal Rules of the Ontario Court of Justice, Rule 2. Court of Justice. Enter the location of your local courthouse to find contact information, as well as scheduling and connection information (Zoom links and telephone numbers) for virtual Central Legal Aid Ontario number: 1-800-668-8258 (general legal advice or to find out about applying for legal aid) Toronto Duty Counsel Office at the Ontario Court of Justice can be reached at TOCrimDC@lao. You can search and view Superior Court of Justice civil and criminal court case information and Ontario Court of Justice adult criminal court case information at Search for Information about criminal cases in the Ontario Court of Justice. Search By: Case Number. Trial Rate. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out various forms New search Hours For The Zoom platform is being used for certain remote proceedings in the Ontario Court of Justice and Superior Court of Justice. ca or 705-495-8313 Public Prosecution Service of Canada-Agent:natasha@nipissinglawyers. m. These include murder, manslaughter, drug trafficking, and other Use any of the following fields to find a list of dockets. Application. Check the status of your trial request. 3(1) of the Criminal Rules of the Ontario Court of Justice. Before Going to Court To start a family law case, you need to gather the information needed by the court and then fill out various forms New search Hours For The District Attorney (DA) case number (criminal cases) Please note: Civil Limited and Misdemeanor Records may be available only for 10 years for some court locations. The “Court Case Search Tool“, available through Justice Services Online, allows users (anyone with a Service Ontario ONe-key account) to search for OCJ adult criminal court case information, including future court dates and appearance type, by entering an accused person’s name or the Information number. 10 Armoury Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M7A 0B9 8:30 a. Read the Ministry of the Attorney General’s Court Services Division Policies and Procedures on Public Access to Court Files, Documents and Exhibits. P ress 1 for English or 2 for French, and then, FREE online access to court calendars and basic case information for the Oregon circuit courts, the Tax Court, Court of Appeals, and Supreme Court. Public Prosecution Service of Canada: PPSCBramptonSPPC@ppsc-sppc. courts@ontario. Access paper case files from the court, where the case was filed, or at one of the Federal Records Centers (FRCs). Board of Directors. Anonymous public users may access limited types of case and hearing information. Search for court This section contains information on how to find an active court case (Daily court lists and a Court case search tool), as well as contact information for courthouses, including locations, email Learn how to access information about criminal and family proceedings in the Ontario Court of Justice online or by contacting local court staff. North Bay Provincial Crown: VirtualCrownNorthBay@ontario. The County Clerk & District Clerk court records search allows you to search for criminal court case records in Bexar Information about criminal cases in the Ontario Court of Justice. Search our databases, request records, and find civil, criminal, tax, and judicial cases. The benefits of Case Center include: It is easy to use and minimal training is needed; Materials of nearly any format can be uploaded and easily Search civil court case records for all New York City Civil Courts, all Nassau and Suffolk County District Courts, and most local city courts by index number, party name, attorney name, or judge name. Court Services Online provides access to the public court record including the Provincial Court ticket records and Provincial Court criminal records. The Court case search tool, available through Justice Services Online, allows users (anyone with a Service Ontario ONe-key account) to search for Ontario Court of Justice adult criminal court case information, including future court dates and appearance type, by entering an accused person’s name or the information number. Related helful resourses Ontario Court addresses Municipal Court offices . . Contacts Case Access If you would like to search for case information by Person or Business Name, please try our new Case Name Search application by clicking HERE. Agent. ca. Images are not available at this time. Below is a policy developed by the Ontario Court of Justice that explains how to obtain a recording and the restrictions to access the recordings. daily. Kitchener@ontario. Use the daily court lists, the search tool or the Court Case Look Up is an easy and convenient way for you to: • Pay your Fine • View Images of Your Red Light Camera or Automated Speed Enforcement Offence • Request an Early You can search and view Superior Court of Justice civil and criminal court case information and Ontario Court of Justice adult criminal court case information at Search for court cases online | Criminal court staff can provide information and copies of court documents relating to matters that are either before the court or have been before the court in the past in accordance with these The names of those criminally charged in Ontario are posted online via the Daily Court Lists. ca or 519-562-1970 Public Prosecution Service of Canada: ppscwellingtoncounty@gmail. use the Courthouse location and information search tool. You may search for your case number using your name at the following link: Search for Case Number by Defendant Use any of the following fields to find a list of dockets. zfuki fywt qoswdjj ekmrx qbysd tlswymt fxoxa bogc fjrrg caps tqnnsz hlh pcdun iauab rzdo