Business ethics quarterly There is a rich literature in ethics on care. Business Ethics Quarterly, 27 (2): 239 –62. ”In archetypal examples of care, a mother Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 29 - Issue 4. Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 31 - Issue 1. BEQ's purpose is to publish scholarly articles from a wide variety of disciplinary orientations on the general subject of Focus on (Business) Ethics and Methodology. 1017/beq. Heugens, Andreas Georg Scherer; Journal: Business Ethics Quarterly / Volume 20 / Issue Business Ethics and Stakeholder Analysis - Volume 1 Issue 1. Business Ethics Quarterly Latest Articles Reading Articles. It publishes articles on various topics related to business ethics, such as religion, philosophy, Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is the journal of the Society for Business Ethics and the leading scholarly journal in its field. M. Check if you have access via personal or institutional login. Cambridge University Press: AJG 2021. 66 CrossRef Google Scholar. 4: AJG 2018. Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 11 - To save this article to your Kindle, first ensure coreplatform@cambridge. ”Solomon (Reference Solomon 1998: 527) writes that care involves taking another’s interests “as one’s own. It covers topics such as the internal ethics of business organizations, their role in society, and the ethical quality of market Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is the journal of the Society for Business Ethics and the leading scholarly journal in its field. & Ulrich, T. virtue-based theory of business ethics (Solomon, 1992, 1999, 2000, 2004). Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal which publishes theoretical and empirical research relevant to the ethics of business, corporate social responsibility, and corporate sustainability. The journal covers any aspect of the relationship Business Ethics Quarterly is a scholarly journal that publishes articles on the application of ethics to the business community. . 2025-2-7. A growing number of researchers in the business ethics field have used scenarios as a data gathering technique in their empirical investigations of ethical issues. The Executive Board of the Society for Business Ethics invites nominations and expressions of interest to become the next Editor in Chief of Business Ethics Quarterly, to serve a five-year term beginning in July of 2025 (at the annual meeting). The current issue features essays on business ethics and politics, Business Ethics Quarterly is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research on the ethics of business, corporate social responsibility, and corporate sustainability. Journal Metrics (Based on the publications from the last 4 years) (from 2020-05-01 to roughly 2024-05-01) Number of papers: 179: H4-Index: 13: TQCC: 3: Average citations: 3. Communications concerning subscrip- Business ethics quarterly Bookreader Item Preview Journal of the Society for Business Ethics Latest issue consulted: Vol. 146-152 Print publication: January 2025; Article; Get access. Despite increased activity in this domain of late, Singer (Reference Singer 2015) notes that “the cross-pollination of ideas between business ethics and political theory has been largely unidirectional: political theorists have shown little interest in business ethics or corporate governance. Achinto possesses more than three decades of business, professional consulting, and investment Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal which publishes theoretical and empirical research relevant to the ethics of business, corporate social responsibility, and corporate sustainability. Care involves taking an interest in another. He has published in highly ranked journals, such as Business Ethics Quarterly, Business History, and Studies in Higher Education. THE LEGACY OF RAWLS IN BUSINESS ETHICS. Since 1991 this multidisciplinary journal has published articles and reviews on a broad range of topics, including the internal ethics of business organizations, the role of business organizations in Business Ethics Quarterly; Journal information; Instructions for authors: Submission guidelines; English; Français; Business Ethics Quarterly The Multidisciplinary Journal of the Society for Business Ethics. Its basic aim and scope was described by its Editor in Chief Patricia H. I find that while the field is improving in regard to broadening who is considered a scholar in business ethics, over 70 percent of the articles currently being published by BEQ are all-male authorship teams (either single male authors or all-male author Business Ethics Quarterly is the journal of the Society for Business Ethics and is supported, in part, by Loyola University Chicago and Georgetown University. I report the results of an authorship analysis within Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ), the journal of the Society of Business Ethics. Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research on the ethics of business. Close this message to accept cookies or find out how to manage your cookie settings. 3 (2020) (Cambridge Core, viewed July 13, 2020) Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 2020-07-15 19:07:25 Associated-names Society for Business 38. Hanks, Jr. , family and business); managerial perceptions of stakeholder salience will be different and more complex than where institutions are based on a single dominant logic. The purpose of this special issue is to address fundamental questions about a possible deficit of normativity in management research, practice, and education—especially as it relates to the field of business ethics and its neighboring disciplines, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability. 2017. , Mitchell N. The first section argues that business has obligations to protect the environment over and above what is required by environmental law and that it should cooperate and interact with government in establishing environmental regulation. This paper explores some interconnections between the business and environmental ethics movements. To save this article to your Kindle, first ensure coreplatform@cambridge. A Co-Editor(s)-in-Chief appointment is also a possibility, if two qualified candidates seek to work/apply in [] Business Ethics Quarterly Article contents. BUS ETHICS Q: 出版社. Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 25 - To send this article to your Kindle, first ensure no-reply@cambridge. Johnson [Opens in a new window], The notion of stakeholder salience based on attributes (e. He has provided workshops on business ethics for companies and business school faculty. Business Ethics Quarterly(商业伦理季刊杂志)是由Cambridge University Press出版社主办的一本以哲学-ETHICS为研究方向,OA非开放(Not Open Access)的国际优秀期刊。旨在帮助发展和壮大哲学及相关学科的各个方面。该期刊接受多种不同类型的文章。本刊出版语言为English,创刊 Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 2 - To send this article to your Kindle, first ensure no-reply@cambridge. Abstract; References; Making Sense of “Good” and “Bad”: A Deonance and Fairness Approach to Abusive Supervision and Prosocial Impact. The purpose of this paper is to present an understanding of business ethics based on a theory of internal social criticism. In line with the disciplinary and thematic scope of the Business Ethics Quarterly, we invite scholars from a variety of perspectives. Journals of AHCI and Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes theoretical and empirical research relevant to the ethics of business. A. How and When Ethics-oriented Human Resource Management Systems Promote Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Moderated Mediation of Work-Family Balance and Moral Attentiveness. BUSINESS ETHICS QUARTERLY 期刊的AJG星级分区详情; 信息项目 信息内容; 期刊全称. Cofone, I. The first issue of the Business Ethics Quarterly (beq) appeared in January 1991, 134 pages of 464 for the full volume. Donaldson and Preston, 期刊全称:Business Ethics Quarterly,期刊简称:,期刊主页:,JCR分区:Q1} The importance of business ethics is not contrdicted in any way by Adam Smith’s pointer to the fact that our “regards to our own interests” provide adequate motivation for exchange. , power, legitimacy, urgency) is applied in the family business setting. BUSINESS ETHICS QUARTERLY. It covers topics from various disciplines and perspectives, and is » Journals of ESCI (except for fields of Arts and Humanities) are now ranked by JIF as the same with journals of SCIE and SSCI in the release of JCR 2023 (in 2024). It might seem that a rule is also over-inclusive when it appears to prohibit conduct that is consistent with its purpose. 4: AJG 2015. Google Scholar Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 4 - Issue 4. Although these unfortunate events make this special issue especially timely, the subject matter of finance ethics has long been in need of scholarly attention. 000 (based on Web of Arlow, P. Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 1 - To send this article to your Kindle, first ensure no-reply@cambridge. It is the official journal of the Society for Business Ethics and has a high impact factor. Log in Business Ethics Quarterly 4 (1994): 393–407, at 402. 3: ABS 2009. It publishes scholarly article A brief description of the official journal of the Society for Business Ethics, published by Cambridge University Press since 1991. 050: Median citations: 0: Impact Factor: 3. Business Ethics Quarterly is a multidisciplinary journal of the Society for Business Ethics. See, Robert Cialdini, “The Triple Tumor Structure of Organizational Dishonesty,” paper presented at the “Conference on Behavioral Research and Business Ethics,” Center for the Study of Ethical Issues in Business, Kellog Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, Business Ethics Quarterly. See, e. 30, no. Business Ethics Quarterly is published on behalf of the Society for Business Ethics by the Philosophy Documentation Center. Michael A. The author pleads for the primacy of ethics over politics and economics and, in reviewing both the Interfaith Declaration for Jews, Christians, and Muslims, and the Caux Roundtable Principles for Business Conduct, he raises the question about the foundation for the unconditional validity of particular basic ethical values and attitudes. Details. By looking to what justifies the market, the Paretian or market-failures approach (hereafter “Paretian”) aims to ground business responsibilities in the “powerful ethical resources hiding in plain sight within the ‘implicit morality of the market’” (Norman Reference Norman 2014, 27-28). International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 25 (1): 38 1. 1 The Behavioral Threat. Baier (Reference Baier 1987: 43) describes care as a “concern for the good of others. Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 October 2020. g. See also James J. 4: ABS 2010. (1980) “ Business ethics, social responsibility and business students: An empirical comparison of Clark's study, ” Akron Business and Economic Review Fall: 17 – 22. Submit your article; BUSINESS ETHICS QUARTERLY The Journal of the Society for Business Ethics A typical time frame may look like the following: Year 0, November 30—deadline for submitting your proposal for a special issue Year 1, January—approval of one proposal, followed by its further development Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 21 - To save this article to your Kindle, first ensure coreplatform@cambridge. This article classifies the content of the 141 articles that have appeared since that time along 18 dimensions, and 118 categories within those dimensions, to determine trends within the discipline. The morality of the market, according to this approach, falls within the domain of The main purpose of this paper is to defend traditional ethical theory (utilitarianism and deontology) for its application in business against a more recent model consisting of utility, rights, and justice. ” The author of Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases, he has published in several journals, including Academy of Management Review, Business Ethics Quarterly, Journal of Business Ethics, California Management Review, and Organizational Dynamics. Business Ethics Quarterly Twentieth Anniversary Forum, Part II: New Directions for Business Ethics Research Information Business Ethics Quarterly , Volume 20 , Issue 4 , October 2010 , pp. Business Ethics Quarterly Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes theoretical and empirical research relevant to the ethics of business. Especially welcomed are contributions that promote a critical and comprehensive integration of transformative wisdom as ethics in practice. Submit your article; Announcements; Subscribe; Submit your article. Yet, an act that furthers an ethical purpose more than compliance would (e. N. However, because of their need to maintain power and distance, self-serving leaders may become detached from how their actions are perceived and reacted to by followers. Please list any fees and grants from, employment by, consultancy for, shared ownership in or any close relationship with, at any time over the preceding 36 months, any organisation whose interests may be affected by the publication of the response. This paper offers a review and critique of 26 studies that have utilized scenarios to elicit inferences of ethical reasoning, decision making, and/or intended behavior from managerial or student populations. The traditional conception of interviews—as a means to predict a candidate’s performance and fit in relation to a vacancy—hinges on an important assumption, namely, that performance and fit can be effectively predicted through interviewing. Business Ethics Quarterly (ISSN 1052-1SOX) is published quarterly by the Philosophy Documentation Center on behalf of the Society for Business Ethics, and is issued in January, April, July, and October. It publishes scholarly articles from a variety of disciplinary A peer-reviewed journal that publishes research on business ethics and its role in society. Most read Business Ethics Quarterly - Frank den Hond, Mollie Painter. 583 - 616 Business Ethics Quarterly is the journal of The Society for Business Ethics, a nonaffiliated international scholarly association of persons interested in business ethics. R. NORMATIVE FOUNDATIONS OF CARE. Making Business Ethics Practical - Volume 5 Issue 3. Business Ethics Quarterly Twentieth Anniversary Forum, Part II: New Directions for Business Ethics Research. 查看该期刊的全部信息 Business Ethics Quarterly / Volume 35 / Issue 1 / January 2025 Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 February 2025, pp. e. Does Business Ethics Rest on a Mistake? - Volume 9 Issue 4. Periodical-rate postage paid at Charlottesville, VA, and offi1ce of additional entry. , Peifer, Reference Peifer 2015), but has published few such articles in recent years despite the fact that they compromise approximately 18% of the 300+ annual submissions the journal receives. There are many important economic relationships other than exchange, such as the institution of production and arrangements of distribution. The very process of identifying affected parties involves the use of the imagination in a way that can lead to a natural empathetic or caring response to those parties in the Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 32 - To send this article to your Kindle, first ensure no-reply@cambridge. Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 34 - To save this article to your Kindle, first ensure coreplatform@cambridge. This journal utilises an Online Peer Review Service (OPRS) for submissions. 期刊简介: Business Ethics Quarterly《商业伦理学季刊》(季刊). The way the cookie crumbles: Online tracking meets behavioural economics. Add bookmark; Add alert; RSS feed; Share. This special issue of Business Ethics Quarterly on ethics in finance was planned before the high profile scandals at Enron, WorldCom, Global Crossing, Tyco, and Arthur Andersen, among other firms. 期刊简称. We argue that where principal institutions intersect (i. When Organization Theory Met Business Ethics: Toward Further Symbioses Pursey P. org is added to your Approved Personal Document E-mail List under your Personal Document Settings on the Manage Your Content and Devices page of your Amazon account. Business Ethics Quarterly The Multidisciplinary Journal of the Society for Business Ethics. , speeding to take an injured passenger to an emergency room) is generally subject to a justification or excuse defense. Internal social criticism focuses on how members of a business organization debate the meanings of their shared traditions for the purpose of locating and correcting hypocrisy. Figure 1: Overview of Prior Work 4B E Q Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 34 - Issue 1. Against Paretianism: A Wealth Creation Approach to Business Ethics - Volume 32 Issue 3 Thus, from the ethics of disharmony perspective, stakeholder engagement dynamics are intrinsically concerned with business ethics for two main reasons: first, because attending to dissensus “bears an obligation to respond to and intervene in the erased conflicts in which victims cannot signify their damages” (Ziarek, Reference Ziarek 2001: 92), and second, because Ethical concerns are among the valuational elements essential to developing loyalty and trust in this relationship. Skip to main content Accessibility help We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. 2. Berman, The first issue of Business Ethics Quarterly appeared five years ago. Werhane as attracting and publishing “papers on any aspect of the relationship between business and ethics from every disciplinary point of view,” including papers “on Overview. 55 55. Search within full text. Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 7 - Western Religious Approaches to Business Ethics. Business Ethics Quarterly explicitly welcomes qualitative submissions (e. , “Playing with Fire: Nonshareholder Constituency Statutes in the 1990s,” Stetson Law Review 21 (1991): 97–120. Making Sense of Postmodern Business Ethics - Volume 10 Issue 3. 2016. To send this article to your Kindle, first ensure no-reply@cambridge. 4 Actually, there are subtle ways in which even the stakeholder identification or inventory process might have some ethical content. 10. Since 1991 this multidisciplinary journal has published articles and reviews on a broad range of topics, Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 30 - Issue 1.
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